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این وبلاگ به منظور حمایت و حفظ پرندگان شکاری ایران است
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[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Aquila fasciata | [authority] Vieillot, 1822 | [UK] Bonellis Eagle | [FR] Aigle de Bonelli | [DE] Habichtsadler | [ES] Aguila-azor Perdicera | [NL] Havikarend
Monotypic species GenusMembers of the genus Aquila have long, broad wings and a medium tail. There are currently fourteen species of large predominantly dark-coloured eagles in the genus Aquila. This genus has a worldwide distribution. Physical charateristics
A slim, medium-sized eagle, with rounded, rather short, wings and a long tail. The dark upper side contrasts strikingly with the clear white under side, the spots being hardly visible at a distance. In flight the wings appear dark in contrast to the white body below, and have a white leading edge, a blackish bar at the base of the flight quills, a conspicuous grey patch at the carpal joint, and a dark trailing edge contrasting with the paler flight quills. Immatures are more difficult to distinguish from other medium-sized brown eagles, but the pale chestnut under side is a good guide.
Listen to the sound of Bonellis EagleCopyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto
Eurasia, Oriental Region : Spain to India to South China, also North AF
In Europe Bonelli’s Eagle is restricted to the Mediterranean regions. It lives in mountainous areas and other rugged terrain at medium to low altitude - sea level to 1500 m, averaging 660 m with only 11 % of pairs nesting above 1000 m. It tends to prefer short or sparse vegetation, such as garigue, dry grassland and rocky habitats but the vegetation cover of its habitat can be highly variable including forests and parkland as well as bushes and scrub. It is also often found in mosaics of open habitat with non-intensive crops, vineyards, olive groves, non-irrigated orchards, small woodlands and pasture. The average distance between pairs is 11.9 km although neighbouring pairs may breed only 2 km apart.
In nuptial display, the pair circle over the breeding site and perform a vigorous undulating display, with steep downward plunges and upward swoops, seldom assisted by wing-flapping. At the onset of the breeding season the pair soars over the breeding site, occasionally calling. The birds are generally more noisy at this time, and display continues to a lesser extent through most of the breeding season.
Nests are usually built on crags, often in trees and occasionally on buildings. When in trees they are usually in the largest, leafy tree in the area, often in a river valley, and at between 30 and 120 feet above ground. They are very large structures for the size of the bird, up to six feet across by two feet thick. The nests are used year after year, starting quite small (three feet across by eighteen inches deep), growing larger and more massive according to age and site. Sticks up to one inch in diameter or more are used, and the whole thing looks like the nest of a much bigger eagle. Pairs may have from one to five nests from which to choose. Normally two eggs are laid, dates varying with location. Incubation is by both sexes, but the female has the greater share, about 90% of the daylight hours and all night. The male feeds her on or near the nest, not necessarily every day. She may also feed on her own kills in spells off when the male shares the duties. The incubation period is 42-43 days. The downy young are at first helpless like other young eagles. The first feathers appear through the down at 25-35 days, and cover the body by 45 days. At this stage the eaglets can normally feed themselves. One eaglet generally kills the other in the early fledging period, but in about 20% of nests both survive. The fledging period is about 65 days. When the young hatch both parents brood them closely at first, the female taking the greater share. The female remains much near the nest even after she has ceased to brood the young, and at all stages this eagle is likely to spend more time on the nest with the eaglet than some others. For some time after the young fly from the nest the family may be seen together. Most young move rapidly away from the nest site, and accompany their parents on the wing for up to two months after they leave the nest.
Breeding success is high (82 %), though 30 % of the pairs do not lay. Productivity is 0.82 chicks/pair and 1. 56 fledging per successful nest but there are appreciable differences between years and regions. Feeding habits
The Bonelli’s Eagle preys on medium-sized mammals and birds of a wide range of species. Rabbits and partridges are the preferred prey but it also preys on hares, squirrels, rodents, pigeons, corvids and lizards. In recent years, declines in both rabbits and partridges have caused diet changes and less profitable prey is becoming important. Carrion feeding is rare.
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